Happy childhood is not something that is hard to provide for your kids but also if you are the kind of parents, to whom that does not come naturally, that could be the hardest thing. Examples are everywhere around us, how parents are struggling with bringing up their kids. But according to other examples, everything you need for raising your children properly is family full of love, accepting and understanding. Sometimes, everything we do for our children turns to be wrong. If your child wants something, you buy it for him or her, but after few times it turns out that your child is rude to you and does not show any appreciation. Some other time you do not pay attention to his or her demands but sometimes it turns out that you are wrong because your child suffers consequences with his friends or school. There is no straight answer here. Parents should decide what and when can be allowed and what and when cannot. Parents should trust themselves more about decisions that they are making because they cannot go wrong if they love their children and if they are devoted to them. What every child needs are parents who love them, who spend enough time talking to them, playing to them or just simply spending quality time with them. That way you will know your child and you will be able to recognize signs of something strange happening with him or her. If you are there for them always, you and your family will be fine. Happy childhood is precondition to happy life. In order for children to have a happy growing up, they need to live normal, healthy life, which includes regular and healthy eating, a lot of sleep, plenty of playing. It is very important for kids to be allowed to be interacting with other kids their age. They should be able to bring friends home, to go to their friend's houses, to go to school, to be motivated to study, to play sports if possible because sport has to offer great things for proper growing up and that is about it. If you take a good look at this, you will see that this does not require any special preparation. Plenty of money is not an issue here, some other special requirements either. The only issue here is family whose members care for each other and if parents accept their children as they are, children will always stay connected to them.